E128 | Measuring Employee Happiness In 2020 And Beyond with Nic Marks
If you’re wondering how your team’s happiness is, or how you can support employee wellbeing and sustain team morale, then
E127 | The Importance of Vision, Systems & People with Chris Croft
Chris Croft is a writer, a keynote speaker and a bit of a guru on Linkedin Learning, with 34 video
E126 | How To Improve Customer Experience With Net Promoter Score
David Tudehope is co-founder and CEO of Macquarie Telecom Group in Sydney, Australia, providing telecommunications, phones, data, data connections, data
2020 Summit Special: Be More Pirate with Alex Barker
Here’s a podcast treat to be enjoyed by the fire this festive season, our second look back at the glorious
What is a daily huddle (and why is it important?)
Do your team members have a daily rhythm of daily team huddles? Or are they so lost in the busy-ness
How To Create A Culture Of Praise And Celebration
When did you last thank a member of your team? Yesterday? Last week? Can’t remember? For some of us, it comes easily. For
E120 | Being A Black Woman In Tech With Flavilla Fongang
If you’re struggling to get customers for your business, then Flavilla Fongang, the effervescent managing director and founder of 3
Why you need to prioritise learning in your teams
Here’s a question for you. How fast can you peddle a bike? 10mph? 20mph? You may know the answer because you’re an ardent cyclist
E118 | The Mechanics of Employee Ownership Trusts with Chris Budd
What do you do if you want to keep your business going after you exit? What processes can you put
Why high performing teams need work with meaning
‘Never let a good crisis go to waste.’ Churchill spoke these words during World War 2. How true they seem