
E194 | The Evolution of the Professional Services Sector with Ray D’Cruz

If you’re in the legal, accounting or professional services sector and you’re looking to harness the intelligence and creativity of

bad apples

How bad apples ruin it for the rest of us

Struggling with productivity?  Ever stopped to wonder why?  Could you be carrying a few bad apples?  Look around any company


E191 | What it Takes to Become a Great CEO with Scott Keller

Having travelled to every country in the world, Scott Keller, Senior Partner at McKinsey & Company, New York Times best


E190 | The Five Principles to Bring Out Your Best Self with CEO & Leadership Coach, Amy Jen Su

How can you be the leader you want to be, every day? The answer, says Amy Jen Su, lies in

Team Player

Why ‘tours of duty’ are the best way to motivate and develop your staff

Let me ask you something.  When you offer someone a job in your company, are you thinking they’ll be with


E187 | How a Germ-Zapping Robot Company Became a 10 Year Overnight Success with Morris Miller

Are you worried your business hasn’t hit the big time yet? Don’t be, says Morris Miller, former managing director at


Why ’empowering your people’ won’t help your company grow

Empowerment.  It’s a real buzz-word.  Companies trumpet it loudly from the rooftops – ‘We empower our people’ emblazoned all over


Why knowing your team’s ‘Working Genius’ will lead your business to growth

Every human being is unique, with their natural gifts.  The way we think, act and feel are individual to each


E185 | How purpose can help you understand and overcome your struggle with Bobby Herrera

Is your business founded on a clear purpose? Bobby Herrera, author of The Gift of Struggle, founded Populus Group in

Woman During Job Interview

Why ‘Ideal Team Player’ is the best tool for interviewing top talent

OK – so you get it.  You know that hiring A-Players is critical to your growth plans. It’s the difference


How adopting agile techniques across your business will power growth

Are you familiar with agile? If you’re working in tech, project management or software development, you’ve probably used this methodology. In


E182 | Growing Your Organisation through a Digital Transformation with Paul Leinwand & Matt Mani

Is your organisation looking for a new growth strategy? Are you about to undergo a digital transformation? Perhaps you already
